Silence is not always Jezebel after your voice.
It has been said speech is silver, silence is golden.
For many have been silent as they waged war and were refined. There wasn't a stolen voice rather a stolen heart. For as the King ravished them they shut their mouths and opened their eyes and ears to hear the kings melodic whispers and rhythmic beat of His heart. Their eyes saw wonders of the Bridegroom. They gazed at things unspeakable as their heart was aligning to His.
For why would they run to tell others when they could be with the King.
A true bride knows how to keep the deepest secrets. Secrets between her and her beloved. Not run and tell what goes on in the chambers.
A true bride is wise and knows when to speak. They are led by the unction of the Holy Spirit, holding His words closely as to not let go too soon.
For many have been lovesick. Bedridden to the marriage bed of union with Christ. Unable to leave his side. They have been silent and it HAS been golden.
Jezebel doesn't have access to the chamber for she is jealous of what happens behind closed doors. Wanting attention. Wanting to speak. That's because she will never have the eyes of our Beloved. She will never drink the betrothal cup of new wine.
To those lovesick, forged in the silence of His presence....
You are coming out of the chamber speaking a new language. For many will not understand and that's ok. Say what He says. Nothing more and nothing less. Let them wonder where you've been.
You're carrying something different. You are carrying the greatness of the King.
Now birth it into this realm and watch it flourish and grow.
Who is this coming up from the wilderness, Leaning upon her beloved? I awakened you under the apple tree. // Song of Solomon 8:5