The Untold Heart Test of the Pioneer -David Yancey
For those of us who have been given the mandate of pioneering, the thought of new territory, whether desired or dreaded, seems to be nothing but inevitable. After trudging through the thicket, forging a path where one had not previously existed, and coming out on the other side with the stain of tear streaks cutting through the layers of dirt upon your face, relief begins to wash over your heart. The lifestyle of pioneering has been a topic that has been on the rise as of late. It’s discussion, I think, has occurred more now than in any time before. People are becoming aware of the call on their life by identifying with what others have gone through, or recognizing things that they’ve dealt with as they listen to testimonials and come to the revelation that their life is the message. I have, however, identified one of the most difficult realities of pioneering to be aware of: the heart test that comes after completion. When you bring an assignment to completion, it is no small thing. It may not appear to be noteworthy to others, but there was a sacrifice of personal significance that you were required to lay on the altar of service to the Lord. Time, relationships, finances, whatever the case may be, it cost you in one way or the other. And for those in love with Him, and who learn to not only embrace—but love the call, the sacrifice is worth it each and every time. Not every path forged is the same. Sometimes you’re tangled in the thicket wielding a machete, creating an opening that never existed before. Another time, you could be smoothing out the bumps of uneven terrain on an old dirt road, while other instances you’re simply widening a bike lane into a highway. Regardless, the overarching purpose remains the same: That others may follow, experiencing better conditions than you did. This is where the heart test begins. Invisibility, isolation, maybe even ridicule these were your portion when you made the trek. Now others that follow are applauded. You, the pioneer, broke up the hard pan, toiled to eradicate weeds, and laid the foundation in stealth and anonymity. You created a ceiling to become the next persons floor to stand on. Now you will watch them have dang near instant success. They will receive honor, praise or even borderline hero worship—for simply going down a path you opened. These are real emotions your heart will process. And there are dozens of leaders to preach at you and tell you how self involved these feelings are, and how you need to learn selflessness—as though they have some idea of what you gave up to pave the way.
I want to tell you this: it is okay to have these feelings and emotions. It isn’t fair, but fairness is out the window in the arena of grace. And you’ve been given one of the most powerful graces there is. So, your heart test is how you handle it.
Does forgottenness dominate your thinking? Do you now become stuck? Drowning in a sea of bitterness and anger? Resentment? Or do you partake of the fruit of the Spirit and exercise self control, staying in command of yourself avoid being led astray by (justifiable) emotions.
Pioneers, we have worked faithfully for an audience of One. We have kept the flame ignited during the long, dark nights of the soul through the oil of intimacy. I assure you, no other applause can match the fullness of His applause. You’re not simply paving the way for others, but embarking on a love walk with Jesus as He uses you as a compass for others to navigate the chambers of His heart—the chambers which He first invited you into.
Do not let your heart be troubled or distracted. The King of kings sees you, and He has not forgotten. Be confidently reminded of the jewel that you are—a diamond without blemish—and remain postured to rest in His embrace.