Recently, I had a dream where I was in a car with a very known prophet. As we were driving I knew that we had a choice to make and we only had 2 options. One was to drive to a Christian church and preach or 2, go preach in a demon infested part of a city.
We instantly knew that we needed to head into demon territory to preach the gospel. As we entered into the demonic gateway of the city, I could see huge advertisement posters. It was like giant circus posters advertising to come see specific demons just like you would go and see the so called "freaks."
One demon was standing in front of his sign advertising himself in front of a building. He was horned with a snake tongue forked 6 times vertically.
The demon ran up to our window and tried to intimidate us. I knew that if we had chosen the Christian church that it was a safe choice. It was comfortable. What we had chosen was risky and dangerous but it had to be done and we realized the easy way was not even an option.
We continued to drive in further and then I immediately woke up.
•For years, God has been preparing a people and now is a critical decision making time. Will you continue to stay comfortable or will you dare to venture into demonic lands to transform cities and nations?
Revival means an instance of something becoming important again. It isn't just for Christians crowds to gather and return to their first love, but revival also means harvest. The unsaved hardly attend conferences and not every church service has an altar call. Why? It's because the ones who need Jesus the most aren't inside the 4 walls. They are in the streets, they are in drug houses, they are in villages ran by witch doctors. They are the demon possessed walking down the streets talking to themselves. They are in foreign countries oppressed by the reign of demonic powers within leadership and false idols. The places you only hear about or see in movies.
Now is the time to consider how you will proceed. We are at a crossroad. The dark and demonic places are waiting for someone to come along and shine light in their darkness.
Will you choose to only shine light where it is already filled with light or dare to shine in complete darkness? One is easy while the other is costly.
God is raising up a people who's actions will speak louder than words. The one's willing to lay down their life for the true gospel. These ones will desire PRESENCE OVER PLATFORMS. They will venture into gateways of darkness and never look back.
The choice is yours but in reality the ones who heed the call know there is only one answer. Which road will you take?
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