|| The dream of, questions, suicides and hopelessness. ||
Last night I received an insightful dream.
As I was walking with a few other ministers, a car had been parked and waiting for another ministry leader to answer his burning question.
I looked and saw a 20-30 year old man sitting behind the wheel of a blue pickup truck totally perplexed and a little angry. He was hurt and needed answers fast.
I asked him if he was waiting a long time just for the chance to speak to the minister. He didn't miss a beat as he swiveled slightly sideways in the driver's seat, hands gripping the wheel then he looked at me and asked me, "Is your ministry associated with a political party!?"
I looked at the other leader and immediately answered. I responded "No, we only represent the will of the Father!" In that moment I felt the weight of being an ambassador of Heaven.
This man was so confused, angry and hurt because of what the natural looked like. My heart hurt for him as he was looking for truth and he knew we held the answer to the question burning in his heart. So much that he stalled his life to get them.
I continued to walk on paved Street at night as another blue car drove slowly past me. I walked along side it for a minute then walked up to the passenger window so I could continue to walk but look to see who was inside and who was driving.
I first noticed the driver. He was a dark shadow. On a mission to give a car full of 20-30 year old men a ride to death.
I looked in the back seat and knew all of these men wanted to commit suicide. I could see the confusion and hopelessness in their eyes and gripping their bodies because of what the natural looked like.
They felt there wasn't a hope and a future for them. They were gripped by fear of the unknown.
I finally called out words of knowledge for them and spoke directly to their spirits. I called out suicide, canceled the assignment, as well as spirit of torment and death then released life and hope. I encouraged them. Spoke of their destinies.
As soon as the shadow man driving realized what I was doing he began to drive faster to get away from me. I latched onto the car door and held on by the rolled down window. They weren't going to go commit suicide on my watch!
I woke up in the morning with such a weight from the Lord on this.
There are many young people contemplating suicide because of natural circumstances. Their eyes has been blinded to hope and future.
They don't see how they can be happy. They don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
They are wrapped in hopelessness looking for relief. A way to escape the world.
Church, we are the answer because it is Christ within us!
We can speak life. We can demonstrate the gospel. We can love like He loves.
We hold the answers to life's burning questions.
We hold keys of deliverance and a sound mind.
Church, we must go to them. We must GO.
Into the dark places. Into the gateways of hell to save the brokenhearted.
It's time.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, healing for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.” LUKE 4:18
-Teryn Yancey