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On January 18, 2022 I was taken into a vision while spending time with the Lord.

Suddenly, I saw an earthquake under the White house. The earthquake shook up the sediments that were hidden. It brought the dirty up to the surface and exposed what had been laying hidden all along. (It was like panning for gold, but it was to expose stuff on the bottom, not the gold) As soon as the things rose to the top for people to see, I saw a woman dressed in a white power suit walk away from the white house.

Instantly I knew that everything hidden in darkness concerning those operating in falsely obtained positions and hidden within administration and high-level leaders will come into the light. For many have been contending for truth to be revealed these past years and the Lord says truth shall be revealed! For darkness cannot stay hidden in the light. Light is coming in a greater measure.

Plots and schemes will be plundered for truth. Glory and truth will be revealed.

You will know He is God and His truth never fails. Prophets will be vindicated, and God will get the Glory.

There will be order restored to the house. THE SHAKING IS COMING.

-Teryn Yancey

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